楼主 liuguansky |
Q:有这样一个段落:In the traffic court of a large mid-western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes. A wild gleam came into the judge's eye. "You are a school teacher, eh?" said he. "Madam, I shall realize my lifelong ambition. Sit down at that table and write 'I went through a red light' five hundred times." 我想其中所有的这种“In the traffic court”--单词空格单词空格单词空格单词 形式的所有都提取出来分行后放到一个文件里,比如上面的那段话提取出来后的部分结果: In the traffic court the traffic court of traffic court of a court of a large of a large mid-western A:用如下代码可以实现:
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