楼主 wise |
Q:如何使用VBA获取相片拍照日期? A:ALT+F11→插入模块→输入以下代码:
- Option Explicit
- Private Function FindPicDate(PicFile As String) As String
- Dim bytes() As Byte
- Dim sLine() As String
- Dim fSize As Long, ExifDate As Long
- Dim i As Long, d As Long
- Dim ff As Integer
- Dim Found As Boolean
- ff = FreeFile
- fSize = FileLen(PicFile)
- If fSize > 1024 Then fSize = 1024
- ReDim bytes(1 To fSize)
- Open PicFile For Binary As #ff
- Get #ff, 1, bytes
- Close ff
- sLine = Split(StrConv(bytes(), vbUnicode), Chr$(0))
- For i = 0 To UBound(sLine)
- ExifDate = InStr(1, sLine(i), "xif")
- If ExifDate > 0 Then
- Found = True
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- If Found = False Then Exit Function
- For d = i + 1 To UBound(sLine)
- ExifDate = InStr(1, sLine(d), ":")
- If ExifDate > 0 Then
- FindPicDate = sLine(d)
- Exit For
- End If
- Next d
- End Function
- Sub test()
- MsgBox "照片创建日期为:" & FindPicDate(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\IMG_0118.JPG")
- End Sub
VBA获取拍照日期.rar |
2楼 wise |
xyh9999后来追加的解法:- Function Lqc_GetPicDate(PicFile As String) '提取照片日期
- '例如:? Lqc_GetPicDate("c:\J002.jpg")
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim bytes() As Byte, sLine() As String, fSize As Long, ExifDate As Long, i As Long, d As Long, ff As Integer, Found As Boolean, TmpCC As String, reg As Object
- ff = FreeFile: fSize = FileLen(PicFile)
- If fSize > 1024 Then fSize = 1024 ' get 1st 1K of file.
- ReDim bytes(1 To fSize)
- Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
- reg.Global = True
- reg.Pattern = "\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s{1,3}\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}"
- Open PicFile For Binary As #ff
- Get #ff, 1, bytes
- Close ff
- sLine = Split(StrConv(bytes(), vbUnicode), Chr$(0))
- For i = 0 To UBound(sLine) ' does "Exif" exsist?
- ExifDate = InStr(1, sLine(i), "xif") '这里本来应该是Exif
- If ExifDate > 0 Then
- Found = True
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- If Found = False Then Exit Function ' return nothing, "Exif" not found!
- TmpCC = ""
- For d = i + 1 To UBound(sLine) ' find first ":" in file
- ExifDate = InStr(1, sLine(d), ":")
- If ExifDate > 0 Then
- TmpCC = TmpCC & "|" & sLine(d) ' return date string
- End If
- Next d
- Set cArr = reg.Execute(TmpCC)
- If cArr Is Nothing Then Exit Function
- If cArr.Count >= 2 Then
- Lqc_GetPicDate = cArr(1).Value '取第2个日期
- Else
- If cArr.Count = 1 Then
- Lqc_GetPicDate = cArr(0).Value '取第1个日期
- Else
- End If
- End If
- Set reg = Nothing
- End Function
3楼 Idiot |
这个代友怎么用啊 |
4楼 Idiot |
如何实现在EXCEL A列显示指定文件夹中所有图片文件名,B列中显示所有图片的拍摄时间啊 |