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Q:统计学中显著性T检验的VBA程序是如何编写的? A:ALT+F11→插入模块→在模块输入以下代码:
- Sub Sig_test_v31()
- 'fix version by wise on 2008-09-24
- '
- Dim x(100, 100) As String
- Dim y(100, 100) As String
- Dim data As Range
- Set data = Selection
- '如果是干净的数据则可以不需要下面这段代码
- '********************************************************************************************************
- For i = 3 To data.Rows.Count
- For j = 1 To data.Columns.Count
- ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 201).Clear
- ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 200).Value = data.Cells(i, j).Value
- ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 200).TextToColumns Destination:=Range("GR1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
- TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
- Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=True, OtherChar _
- :="(", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
- data.Cells(i, j).Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 200).Value
- ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 200).Clear
- Next j
- Next i
- '********************************************************************************************************
- For a = 1 To data.Columns.Count - 1
- For b = a + 1 To data.Columns.Count
- base_a = data.Cells(1, a).Value
- base_b = data.Cells(1, b).Value
- For i = 3 To data.Rows.Count
- per_a = data.Cells(i, a).Value / 100
- per_b = data.Cells(i, b).Value / 100
- p_1 = (per_a * base_a + per_b * base_b) / (base_a + base_b)
- If p_1 * (1 - p_1) = 0 Or base_a <= 30 Or base_b <= 30 Then GoTo Lastline
- Sig = Abs(per_a - per_b) / Sqr(p_1 * (1 - p_1) * (1 / base_a + 1 / base_b))
- If Sig > 1.96 Then
- If per_a > per_b Then
- x(i, a) = x(i, a) + data.Cells(2, b).Value
- Else
- x(i, b) = x(i, b) + data.Cells(2, a).Value
- End If
- ElseIf Sig > 1.645 Then
- If per_a > per_b Then
- y(i, a) = y(i, a) + LCase(data.Cells(2, b).Value)
- Else
- y(i, b) = y(i, b) + LCase(data.Cells(2, a).Value)
- End If
- End If
- Lastline:
- Next i
- Next b
- Next a
- For i = 3 To data.Rows.Count
- For j = 1 To data.Columns.Count
- If x(i, j) <> "" Or y(i, j) <> "" Then
- data.Cells(i, j).Value = LTrim(Str(data.Cells(i, j).Value)) + "(" + x(i, j) + y(i, j) + ")"
- data.Cells(i, j).Characters(Start:=Len(data.Cells(i, j)) - 1 - Len(x(i, j)) - Len(y(i, j)), Length:=Len(data.Cells(i, j))).Font.ColorIndex = 7
- data.Cells(i, j).Characters(Start:=Len(data.Cells(i, j)) - 1 - Len(x(i, j)) - Len(y(i, j)), Length:=Len(data.Cells(i, j))).Font.Italic = True
- End If
- Next j
- Next i
- End Sub