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作者:绿色风 分类: 时间:2022-08-18 浏览:105
  1. Sub test()   '生成RGB三色对应条的代码
  2. For N = 1 To 7
  3. Cells(1, N) = " R, G, B : 当前色值"   '写标题行
  4. Next N
  5. For N = 2 To 257   '单元格及RGB值(n-2)范围
  6. If N < 129 Then Rows(N).Font.Color = vbWhite   '当颜色较深时使用白色字体
  7. Cells(N, 1).Interior.Color = RGB(N - 2, 0, 0)
  8. Cells(N, 1) = Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & ", 0, 0 : " & Cells(N, 1).Interior.Color & Space(8 - Len(Cells(N, 1).Interior.Color))   '格式化输出显示内容
  9. Cells(N, 2).Interior.Color = RGB(0, N - 2, 0)
  10. Cells(N, 2) = " 0, " & Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & ", 0 : " & Cells(N, 2).Interior.Color & Space(8 - Len(Cells(N, 2).Interior.Color))
  11. Cells(N, 3).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, N - 2)
  12. Cells(N, 3).Font.Color = vbWhite
  13. Cells(N, 3) = " 0, 0, " & Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & " : " & Cells(N, 3).Interior.Color & Space(8 - Len(Cells(N, 3).Interior.Color))
  14. Cells(N, 4).Interior.Color = RGB(N - 2, N - 2, 0)
  15. Cells(N, 4) = Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & ", " & Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & ", 0 : " & Cells(N, 4).Interior.Color & Space(8 - Len(Cells(N, 4).Interior.Color))
  16. Cells(N, 5).Interior.Color = RGB(N - 2, 0, N - 2)
  17. Cells(N, 5) = Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & ", 0, " & Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & " : " & Cells(N, 5).Interior.Color & Space(8 - Len(Cells(N, 5).Interior.Color))
  18. Cells(N, 6).Interior.Color = RGB(0, N - 2, N - 2)
  19. Cells(N, 6) = " 0, " & Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & ", " & Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & " : " & Cells(N, 6).Interior.Color & Space(8 - Len(Cells(N, 6).Interior.Color))
  20. Cells(N, 7).Interior.Color = RGB(N - 2, N - 2, N - 2)
  21. Cells(N, 7) = Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & ", " & Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & ", " & Space(3 - Len(N - 2)) & N - 2 & " : " & Cells(N, 7).Interior.Color & Space(8 - Len(Cells(N, 7).Interior.Color))
  22. Next N
  23. Columns("A:G").EntireColumn.AutoFit   '列宽自适应
  24. End Sub

  25. Sub test2()   '生成随机色彩及对应值的代码
  26. Dim R, G, B, M, N As Integer
  27. Cells.Delete   '先清空区域
  28. For N = 1 To 7
  29. Cells(1, N) = " R, G, B : 当前色值"   '生成标题行
  30. Next N
  31. For N = 2 To 100
  32.   For M = 1 To 7
  33.    '取得R,G,B的随机值
  34.     R = Int((Rnd * 10000) Mod 256)
  35.     G = Int((Rnd * 10000) Mod 256)
  36.     B = Int((Rnd * 10000) Mod 256)
  37.     Cells(N, M).Interior.Color = RGB(R, G, B)
  38.     Cells(N, M) = Space(3 - Len(R)) & R & ", " & Space(3 - Len(G)) & G & ", " & Space(3 - Len(B)) & B & " : " & Cells(N, M).Interior.Color & Space(8 - Len(Cells(N, M).Interior.Color))
  39.   Next M
  40. Next N
  41. Columns("A:G").EntireColumn.AutoFit
  42. End Sub



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