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作者:绿色风 分类: 时间:2022-08-18 浏览:134

Format codeDescription
&LLeft aligns the characters that follow.左对齐后面的字符
&CCenters the characters that follow.居中对齐后面的字符
&RRight aligns the characters that follow.右对齐后面的字符
&ETurns double-underline printing on or off.打开或关闭打印双下划线
&XTurns superscript printing on or off.打开或关闭打印上标
&YTurns subscript printing on or off.打开或关闭打印下标
&BTurns bold printing on or off.打开或关闭字体粗体
&ITurns italic printing on or off.打开或关闭字体斜体
&UTurns underline printing on or off.打开或关闭打印单下划线
&STurns strikethrough printing on or off.打开或关闭打印删除线
&G 显示图像
&DPrints the current date.打印当前日期。
&TPrints the current time.打印当前时间。
&FPrints the name of the document.打印文档的名称。
&APrints the name of the workbook tab.打印工作簿选项卡的名称。
&PPrints the page number.打印页码。
&P+numberPrints the page number plus the specified number.打印加上指定数目的页码。
&P-numberPrints the page number minus the specified number.打印减去指定数目的页码。
&&Prints a single ampersand.打印一个单一的符号。
& "fontname"Prints the characters that follow in the specified font. Be sure to include the double quotation marks.按照指定的字体打印字符。一定要包括双引号。
&nnPrints the characters that follow in the specified font size. Use a two-digit number to specify a size in points.按照指定的字体大小打印字符。使用两位数字来指定一个字体的大小。
&NPrints the total number of pages in the document.打印文档中的总页数。


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